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i’m so excited to share this exciting new chapter of my business- i’m taking on a full-time assistant, lauren frink!

as wyn wiley photography has grown over the past few years thanks to an unbelievably and incredibly supportive client base, city, state, and encouragers across the world (ps- you’re likely one of them so thank you to YOU) so has the need to turn the word i into the word we and i couldn’t think of anyone as perfect for the role than lauren. and fun fact- she’s actually been working for me part time over the past few months task managing, project managing and even producing two workshops- knocking them out of the park.

taking lauren on means-

  • i can spend my time making the possible best art i can
  • a better experience for my clients in every area of my business
  • and on a personal note, means a giant step towards finding balance between work and personal life. for far too long i’ve often put work in front of my personal life and this is all growth towards wellness, self-love and happiness.

lastly, it’s important for me to share that i don’t feel like i ever walked this road alone because of the support of project assistants, friends and especially my best friend, annajean, who did SO much behind the scenes the past few years helping me run workshops, make photo books and SO much to keep my mental health going in my personal life so that this little passion of mine for photography could grow into what it has. so thank you to everyone (including probably you reading this) and especially to annajean for the help and support.

if you’d like to read more about lauren- you can read her bio under the about tab!

welcome to the team, lauren!

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